Alumni Hall of Fame

Brian Putnam
Hall of Fame Honoree Brian Putnam attended Del City High School from 1984-1987.
After graduating in 1987, Major Putnam attended Rose State College, where he received his Associate of Arts - Legal Assistant in 1992. He received his Bachelor of Science - Liberal Arts from the University of Central Oklahoma in 1993. Major Putnam received his Juris Doctor degree in 2005 from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Major Putnam has served 15 years in the United States Air Force and is currently the Deputy Director of Material Support Contracting Division at Tinker Air Force Base. Major Putnam has received the Bronze Star Medal, Defense Meritorious Service Metal, Meritorious Service Medal, Joint Service Achievement Medal and Air Force Achievement Medal.
Major Putnam arrived at Tinker AFB in May 2012 from having filled a selectively-manned position as the Chief of Contracts for the Chief Information Office and Chief of Contract Accountable Government Property at the National Reconnaissance Office in Chantilly, Virginia, where he was responsible for information technology contracts totaling over $400M, and a portfolio of space and ground assets valued at more than $5.1B. Shortly after his arrival at Tinker AFB, he deployed to Afghanistan theater of operations and embarked on a perilous journey full of significant contributions to the American public and legal profession. Major Putnam distinguished himself by exceptionally meritorious achievement as Chief, Regional Contracting Center Fenty, Central Command Joint Theater Support Contracting Command while engaged in ground operations against the enemy at Forward Operating Base Fenty, Afghanistan from July 27, 2012 through January 26, 2013.
During OPERATION FREEDOM, Major Putnam demonstrated exceptional leadership and developed strategic initiatives to promote counterinsurgency contracting and economic development while providing mission-critical contracting support to provide life support for and enhance the combat effectiveness of 25,000 Coalition Forces, Afghan National Army Forces, Afghan Border and Uniformed Police in Regional Command East. Major Putnam led a team of 23 Department of Defense civilians, Air Force, Army, Navy, contractor, and Afghan personnel with contract responsibility over 30,000 square miles in the highly kinetic providences of Nangarhar, Nuristan, Kunar and Laghman. Major Putnam took contracting on the offensive throughout these providences leading the way on 50 air and convoy missions outside the wire without regard to his personal safety. Major Putnam was engaged by direct and indirect enemy fire multiple times while traveling to conduct contract surveillance, site surveys and negotiations. On a midnight convoy to assess a stalled $1M road project in a remote and highly volatile area near the border with Pakistan, he went into harm's way joining a dismounted patrol to conduct route clearance over a 5 km stretch of narrow roadway to mitigate the effects of possible Improvised Explosive Devices on an oncoming convoy conducting a vital resupply operation. When the patrol came under enemy attack, exposed to direct fire and immediate grave danger, Major Putnam faced the enemy and assisted the team in securing and successfully holding the road for the oncoming convoy without the loss of personnel or materiel. His leadership and devotion to those under his command were evident during the largest attack ever reported on Forward Operating Base Fenty. As the attack commenced, he immediately accounted for his personnel and then ran 600 yards through incoming mortar fire to locate and ensure the safety of a missing Airman.
Major Putnam coordinated the execution of over 3,000 contract actions and closeouts worth more than $200M supporting the conduct of combat, humanitarian, and reconstruction operations at over 40 Forward Operating Bases, Combat Outposts and border checkpoints throughout northeastern Afghanistan. Major Putnam was directly responsible for training, monitoring and providing procurement authorization to over 500 Contracting Officer Representatives. Major Putnam deliberately and continually went into the enemy's domain to conduct his duties in providing world-class leadership and contracting support to the war fighter.
Brenda Mechling
Hall of Fame Honoree Brenda Mechling attended Del City High School from 1973-1975. After graduating in 1975, Ms. Mechling attended the University of Oklahoma from 1975-1976 and Northwestern Oklahoma State University from 1976-1977. She received her Bachelor of Science in Music Education Cum Laude in 1996 from the University of Central Oklahoma (UCO). Ms. Mechling has been a teacher of vocal music for the past 16 years in the Mid-Del School System. She has taught vocal music at Carl Albert Junior High, Carl Albert High School and Del City High School. She has been the Owner of a private voice studio for 13 years - Voice Plus Studio.
Ms. Mechling was named Mid-Del District Teacher of the Year 2013-2014, National Honor Roll's Outstanding American Teacher, Who's Who Among High School Teachers, Who's Who of American Women, Southwest American Choral Director's Association R & S Chair for Vocal Jazz 2006-2010, Oklahoma Music Educator's Association. She has served on the All-State Choral Committee from 2007-2009, and All-State Chorus Chair 2009-2010. In addition, Ms. Mechling has written articles promoting vocal jazz, which were published in the Southwest American Choral Director's Association "Common Times" from 2006-2010.
Ms. Mechling was the State Fine Arts Chair and received the Golden Apple Award for Excellence in Teaching, State Multi-Cultural Teacher of the Year for 2011-2012. Ms. Mechling received the Oklahoma Music Educator's Association Exemplary Music Teacher Award for the State of Oklahoma 2011 and 2012. She is a member of the Oklahoma Music Educator's Association, Oklahoma Choral Director's Association, Central Choral Director's Association, Oklahoma Music Educator's Association, Southwest American Choral Director's Association and American Choral Director's Association.
Ms. Mechling has been very involved in community service, having served as an adjudicator for state solo and ensemble contests, civic events with Sweet Adelines and Music Center Barbershop Group. She has served as a mentor for student teachers, student observers and new Mid-Del District vocal music teachers. She conducts fundraisers for Mid-Del Food Pantry, entertains at Martin Luther King Prayer Breakfast, performs with students annually at the Del City Rotary Pancake Breakfast, the Del City Christmas Tree Lighting and other events. She has received numerous Del City High School Golden Eagle Awards. Ms. Mechling and her husband, George, live in Midwest City. They have 5 grown children and 8 grandchildren.
Roger Stuart
Hall of Fame Honoree Roger Stuart attended Del City High School from 1966-1969. After graduating in 1969, he attended the University of Oklahoma, where he received his Bachelor of Arts in English Literature. He received his Juris Doctor Degree from the University of Oklahoma College of Law in 1978. He practiced law for many years handling state and federal cases involving federal criminal prosecutions, appeals, medical malpractice defense, federal civil litigation and class action lawsuits.
In July 2011, Governor Mary Fallin appointed Judge Stuart as a District Judge for Oklahoma County District Court. During the appointment ceremony, Governor Fallin stated that Judge Stuart is an astute legal mind and that she was proud to appoint him as District Judge. Judge Stuart previously served as a Special Judge for the Oklahoma County Juvenile Court from 1995-2011. Judge Stuart was Assistant General Counsel for the Oklahoma Department of Human Services from 1983-1995. He was an Assistant United States Attorney for the United States District Court for the Western District of Oklahoma from 1981-1983. He was Assistant General Counsel in the Litigation Division for Kerr McGee Corporation from 1980-1981 and he served as an Assistant District Attorney from 1978-1980. Judge Stuart served as an Adjunct Professor of Law for Oklahoma City University School of Law from 2007-2012. He has also served as an Adjunct Professor at the University of Central Oklahoma.
Judge Stuart has received numerous awards, including Child Advocate of the Year; Award of Excellence: Oklahoma Judge of the Year by the State CASA Board; Champion of Children Award, State Foster Care Association; Service Award for Interdisciplinary Team Program, Child Abuse and Neglect, by the University of Oklahoma Health Science Center; Medal of Merit Award by DHS; Certificate of Appreciation by Cherokee Nation; Guardian Angel Award by the Latino Agency; Buddy Ray Foster Court Room Excellence Award presented by Oklahoma County CASA.
Judge Stuart Co-Authored "Children With Sexualized Behaviors" published in Volume 59 of the Juvenile & Family Court Journal. He has been rated 1st among 35 judges in the district by lawyers in surveys over 16 years by the Oklahoma County Bar Association. Judge Stuart was appointed by the Oklahoma Supreme Court to sit on the committee to rewrite the Juvenile Code on abused and neglected children. He was selected by the Oklahoma Supreme Court to sit on the committee to write Uniform Jury Instructions for juvenile cases.
In addition, Judge Stuart has made presentations in at least 10 annual judicial conferences to all judges in the State of Oklahoma dealing with juvenile law. He was also selected as a member of the Juvenile Justice Oversight Committee. Judge Stuart and his wife Jan have 3 children and 3 grandchildren.
2013 Inductees
The 2013 inductees are: Tari Vickery, Class of 1969; Roger Stuart, Class of 1973; Brenda Mechling, Class of 1975; and Brian Putnam, Class of 1987.
Tari Vickery
Hall of Fame Honoree Tari Vickery attended Del City High School from 1966-1969.
Prior to moving from Oklahoma, Ms. Vickery was a third generation business owner.
Ms. Vickery attended Stanford University in Paris, France in 1994. She attended Stanford University in Palo Alto, California, from 1992-1996, where she received her Bachelor of Arts and her Master of Arts Degrees in 1996. She also received the James Lyon award at Stanford for creating a program to help non-traditional students assimilate into the university. Ms. Vickery has founded two businesses, one in Oklahoma City and the other in California. She is the Founder and President of Life Matters Financial Group, founded in January 2001. She is the Founder, Chief Financial Officer and Director of Operations of KVTV, Ltd.
Ms. Vickery was the Director of Business Operations for Plato Networks, Inc. from January 2004 to July 2010. She was the Director of Business Operations at SiliconBlue Technologies from September 2006 to February 2007. Ms. Vickery was the Director of Business Operations at XStream Logic, Inc. from July 1998 to January 2000. She also served as Chief Operating Officer for Join Systems and served as an Independent Management Consultant for a number of years. Her vast business experience gives her an innate ability to understand complex financial situations and simplify them for her clients.
Ms. Vickery lives in Palo Alto, California, with her husband Kent. Although Ms. Vickery moved away from Del City, she treasures her Del City roots, especially since her grandparents came to Del City when the streets were dirt roads. Ms. Vickery's passion for education stems from having grandparents who were both educators in Western Oklahoma in the 1930's, where her grandmother taught school and made breakfast for her students in a one-room school house. Ms. Vickery began serving on school boards when her daughter, Heather, attended New World/Elmhurst School in the late 1970's. Her daughter is now a middle school teacher in Nairobi, Kenya. Ms. Vickery has served on private school boards and public school site councils for over 30 years and currently serves on the School Board at Keystone Adventure School & Farm located in Edmond.
In addition, Ms. Vickery serves on the Board of the Palo Alto Players, which is 83 years old -- the oldest community theater in the San Francisco Bay area. She returns to the metro area every six weeks to attend board meetings and meet with her Oklahoma clients.